semana de trabalho bem intenso,mas consegui voltar ao estudos ,e tentando acima de tudo divertir ,gosto de elaborar e criar algo me baseando em formas ,as vezes sai algo interessante,como consegui pensar ultimamente heheheh pra poder criar algo interessante ,tentei focar na caricatura que a tempos eu nao tenho feito e ao mesmo tempo a e uma da minha prioridades com esse tipo de exercicio e se soltar  e quem sabe voltar a programacao normal heheh se que me entendem por que ainda to devagar na minha opniao,um pouco preso e nao tenho conseguido variar o tanto que eu particularmente quero nesses estudos rapidos
I had a great work week, but I managed to get back to my studies and try to do everything. I have fun, I like to elaborate and create something based on shapes, sometimes something interesting comes out, how I managed to think of myself lately to be able to create something Interesting, I tried to focus on the caricature that at times I have not done and at the same time and one of my priorities with this type of exercise and let go and maybe return to normal programming heheh if they understand me why I'm still so slow in my opniao , A bit stuck and I have not managed to vary the amount that I particularly want in these studies

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